The Student Leadership Advisory Council (SLAC) is a collective of leaders from across the University of Chicago who are passionate about making a positive impact on campus and empowering their fellow students to thrive academically, socially, and personally. Through their diverse backgrounds, experiences, and areas of expertise, the members of the Student Leadership Advisory Council collaborate to create innovative programs, address pressing issues, and foster a strong sense of community within the university.
SLAC members must be currently enrolled and in good disciplinary standing at the University of Chicago. Student representatives are inclusive of graduate and undergraduate students on campus, including Center for Leadership and Involvement employees, RSO leaders, and students-at-large.
The advisory council meets once a month and serves as a resource for CLI staff. Members are expected to attend all SLAC meetings; provide feedback/evaluation on CLI leadership development offerings; assist in the marketing and dissemination of information from CLI to the campus community; and suggest areas of growth and collaboration for CLI leadership development initiatives.
Application Timeline:
Application Opens: August 26, 2024
Application Deadline: October 7, 2024
Application Results: October 11, 2024
Program Begins: October 16, 2024
Applications are not OPEN! To access applications, click here. *please note that you need to be logged into your UChicago email in order to access the form*
Meeting Dates:
The advisory council meets once a month on Wednesdays from 12:00 to 1:30 PM; lunch will be provided
Fall Quarter 2024:
- Wednesday, October 16
- Wednesday, November 13
Winter Quarter 2025: *will be scheduled around board's availability*
Spring Quarter 2025: *will be scheduled around board's availability*
Members are expected to attend all SLAC meetings
If you have any questions about the Student Leadership Advisory Council, please contact Heather Duval.