The Center for Leadership & Involvement supports several extra-curricular and co-curricular opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students on campus. Getting involved is easy and can look different for each student. You can join or lead a student organization, attend events, audition for an arts group, play a club sport, or write for a student publication. Benefits of getting involved include developing leadership skills, making new friends, learning about yourself, or exploring career paths. Search this page to see what involvement opportunities are of interest to you!
Stay connected and updated on the latest activities and events by visiting our social media pages: CLI Facebook page and CLI Instagram.
Where do I start?
If you are new to the University of Chicago and looking to get involved there are several ways ti get involved with the help of the Center for Leadership and Involvement (CLI):
- Attend the Student Activities Resource Fair (SARF)
- Attend BLUEPRINT with Student Government
- Attend RSO meetings or events
- Become an RSO member
- Participate in UChicago LEADS cohort programs and workshops to hone your leadership skills and develop a network
- Participate in CLI social events
- Lead an RSO
- Start an RSO
- Participate in UChicago LEADS
- If you have an idea for an initiative or program, you can apply for the Student Engagement fund
Registered Student Organizations
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are student-led groups recognized through the Center for Leadership & Involvement. RSOs are a vital part of the campus community at the University of Chicago and host several campus traditions throughout the year.
- Attending RSO meetings or events
- Becoming an RSO member
- Starting an RSO
- Leading an RSO
- Attending the Student Activities Resource Fair
Learn more about the benefits of being a Registered Student Organizations (RSOs).
You can also get started by searching Blueprint, an involvement management system, to explore our expansive offering of organizations and events, making it even easier to find ways to get involved on campus.
Social Activities & Involvement Events
Stay connected by attending fun social activities that help you connect with campus outside of class and explore some of the fun activities Chicago has to offer.
You can also attend our annual involvement events which include the Student Activities Resource Fair and Blueprint.
Student Engagement Fund
Looking for funding that supports your student programs and initiatives? Find out more information about the Student Engagement Fund.
Student Government
Want to be a representative for student voices on campus? Learn more about Student Government and how to get involved.