The Blueprint Financial Module allows you to submit a Purchase Request (PR) online to request a financial transaction for your organization.
With the PR system, it will be more important than ever that your treasurer and other financial representatives do a thorough job completing financial forms. Forms that are vague, incomplete, incorrect, or have insufficient documentation attached will be "Denied" and you will have to start over. Make sure to review the documentation requirements outlined in the Spending Funds section work with your Advisor and the Financial Operations Office if you are unsure what you should be submitting.
Download our Blueprint Finance Quick Guide.
Submitting a Purchase Request Overview
Ensure that you have the funds
Check your Account to make sure that you have the amount that you are requesting in your account. Also, double-check your event budget for accuracy and frugality.
Review policy and required documents
Review the nature of the purchase and its payment guidelines.
Is it reimbursable? Or must it be paid by the University via a check, transfer, or purchase order?
What vendors can you use and what documentation must you provide?
Assign A RSO member to the transaction
- Share budget limitations, payment method options, and required documentation with student(s) who are assigned to make the purchase or work with vendors to arrange services.
Collect payment documents and payee information
Ensure that you have all of the data and documentation that you need.
Don't forget: payee name and full address; original receipts or invoices; any necessary tax forms; any contracts or back-up.
Documentation forms must be signed by your Advisor.

What happens when you create a Purchase Request?
Login into Blueprint, then access your RSO's page.
Open the Finances Module in the left column menu. Your President, Treasurer, and Primary Contact have access. This is customizable by clicking the "Manage Positions" menu in your Roster.
In the Finance Module, you can review old Purchase Requests or Create a new one.
Complete the form thoroughly. Incomplete or vague forms may be denied.
Subject - This field should be in the format [Event Name - Expense Description].
Amount - Your request will be denied if this amount is inconsistent in other places.
Description - Be thorough! Your description should be clear to anyone.
Account - Click the button to select your Account. There should be only one option.
Categories - Select the type of payment you are requesting.
Payee information - Include the complete name and full address of the payee. If the payee is an organization or company, use the 'first name' field.
Event/Activity type - Do your best to classify the event/activity.
Number of people - If this does not apply, put NA. Food serving <11 people will require you to supply the names at the end of the form in 'Additional Information' field.
Expense type - Check the appropriate boxes. Be sure to utilize the info. bubbles.
Check distribution - Select whether you want to pick up the check or have it mailed. Mailing checks will get them to their destination more quickly.
Upload the appropriate receipts or documentation for your expense to the PR.
The CLI's website, staff, and Resource Guide will help you determine what is required.
Missing documents may lead to a denied or cancelled report.
Receipt images can be scanned (Room 001 has scanning) or clear photographs.
If you have more than three receipts/documents to upload, consider putting multiple images into one file.
Once you submit your report, you can review the status and stage by returning to the Finance Module 'Purchase Request' tab.
When your PR is approved, you will receive a notification in your Blueprint Mailbox. Depending on your notification settings, you may also receive and email.
Your notification will prompt you when further action, such as receipt submission, is required. You can also review these prompts by opening the request and reviewing its progress and comments at the bottom of the PR.

Purchase Request Statuses
Statuses are extremely helpful in understanding your PR's progress. When your PR's status changes you will receive a notification via your Blueprint Mailbox. That notification will contain comments to let you know what further action is required from you. For example, you may need to submit hard copies of some of your documentation before the request is processed.
Upon submission, all PRs are unapproved until they are reviewed. Depending on the nature of your expenses, your PR is reviewed by the Financial Office staff or referred to your advisor.
If your PR is thorough, in compliance with financial policy, with correct documentation, then your application will move forward.
You may be ask to submit hard copies of your documents.
Upon submission, all PRs are unapproved until they are reviewed. Depending on the nature of your expenses, your PR is reviewed by the Financial Office staff or referred to your advisor.
When a PR is denied, you will need to submit a new one. You should provide the original PR number for reference.
Denial may be caused by vague descriptions, missing info., missing documentation, violation of policy, or insufficient funds.

Purchase Request Stages
The progress stages in Blueprint are important in helping you to understand the status of your Purchase Request. They provide information about who is currently reviewing your request and what action you can expect to see next.
Your submitted PR will be reviewed by the Finance Office staff. Items that require additional approval will be reviewed by your RSO advisor.
PR is either approved and move to Receipt/Document Submission or Denied with comments. You will receive a system notification of this change.
If you are requesting a reimbursement you must upload a reciept on the Blueprint purchase request form.
The Financial Operations staff conducts an additional audit prior to processing. You may find your PR cancelled at this point if information or documentation is missing.
If your PR is complete and in compliance with all policies, then payment processing will occur during this stage.
Your PR's journey us at an end.
If it was approved you now wait for the check. Thereafter, the PR serves as an archived record.
If your PR was Denied or Cancelled, you will need to re-submit. Be sure to note the comments your received when it was Denied/Cancelled.